Introducing Young Nigerian Engineering Academy

Young Nigerian Engineers Academy, a subsidiary of Hephzibah Technology is a computer-science academy for kids and teenagers. Our mission is to inspire students across the country to become future engineers and inventors! Young Nigerian Engineer Academy, a subsidiary of Hephzibah Technologies, is dedicated to inspiring and equipping the next generation of leaders in Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM) Fields to become Scientist, Engineers, Inventors and Entrepreneurs with the hope that they will become a generation of Inventors who will start-up invention and technology-based enterprises thereby creating jobs for themselves and others, and ultimately reducing poverty and unemployment in our country.

Hephzibah Edutech

Integrating Technology Into Education

Why Students Love
Our Unique Programs

Our educators at Young Nigerian Engineers Academy have a passion for technology and coding. We utilize industry standard software as well as other educational tools to help broaden your student’s mind while having fun. Our variety of technology and coding courses offer new ways for students to learn using an up-to-date and engaging curriculum.


Meet Joshua Agboola

Joshua Agboola is a bright 10-year-old kid who is a programmer and chief executive officer of JoshForTech -The young boy started coding at the age of six courtesy of his father who saw that his son was destined for greatness. Joshua was the youngest speaker to present at a technology talk at the ICTel Expo of the Lagos Chambers of Commerce and Industry in July 2019 The young CEO has built a number of games, a healthcare app and a few websites. Joshua started coding at the age of six and made a record by becoming the youngest speaker to present at a technology talk at the ICTel Expo of the Lagos Chambers of Commerce and Industry in 2019.

What We Impact

Young Nigerian Engineering Academy offers In-school, after-school and campus-based Technology Training Program where we train students in privates and public schools on exciting 21st Century STEM Technology & Coding courses during their regular academic session or after-school hours as the case may be.

Graphics and Website design

In this class, the participants will be able to create professional graphic and website designs


The students will be able to program their own robot and make them do task programmmed into them.

Coding and Mobile Apps Design

Students from all levels of education are taught how to program computers to create games and mobile apps

Videos and Animations

Professional video editing and animation can be learnt in this special class